First time visiting?
If you are unfamiliar with Quaker worship, scroll down and read how we differ from other churches in our manner of worship.
Most first-days (Sundays) we open our meetinghouse at 9:30 for a pre-worship discussion covering a wide range of topics including: delving into Quaker History and traditions, exploring how creativity in the arts ministers to us and the world, examining how other faith traditions contrast with our own and how that helps us understand better who we are as Friends, ... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Worship begins at 10:30 a.m.
We suggest arriving 10 or so minutes before 10:30 to find parking across the road from the meetinghouse and to relax into the new surroundings.
After meeting for worship, we greet visitors, share further thoughts from worship and announce upcoming events.
Please linger after announcements for conversation - we'd love to greet you. And please sign our guest book!
Manner of Worship
Our meeting house, like other Quaker meeting houses, lacks features common to most churches - we have no altar, no pulpit, no lectern, no candles, no organ nor piano. We have no pastor nor choir. Our mode of worship does not require them.
Friends believe that the individual can communicate directly with God and receive guidance through the Spirit without intercession by a priest or a saint; and many feel they have had this experience.
When Friends assemble for worship they take their seats and settle into silence, each in their own way seeking communion with God. Many offer silent prayers of thanksgiving or for the health and well-being of others. Someone else may hold a concern or hurt in the Light and ask for an opening or healing. Others may seek to still their minds in order to find rest from a chaotic world.
From time to time someone may be led by the Spirit to speak and he or she delivers a message. Friends are advised to attend meeting without predetermination to speak or not to speak but to be receptive to Divine leading. Sometimes no one is led to speak and the meeting takes place without vocal ministry.
The meeting closes when an elder shakes hands with the person next to them and others in attendance turn and shake hands with their neighbors. -Ken Cook-